The desktop guide to complementary and alternative medicine : an evidence-based approach / Complementary and alternative medicine ; an evidence-based appraoch. Editor, Edzard Ernst ... [et al.]. - 2nd edition - Edinburgh : Mosby, 2006. - xxiv, 556 p. ; 24 cm. +

Includes index

Includes bibliographical references and index.

System requirements for disc: IBM pc or compatible 486SX or higher, Microsoft Windows 95,98, NT, 2000 or ME, color monitor with SVGA (640 x 480 resolution, 256 colors) or better, 6 MB RAM (32 MB recommended), 2X speed CD-ROM drive or faster, Netscape 4.5 or later or Internet Explorer 4.0 or later. Apple Mac G3 processor, OS9, 64 MB RAM.

0723433836 9780723433835

Alternative medicine--Handbooks, manuals, etc.